head 1.1; access ; symbols ; locks ; comment @ * @; 1.1 date; author pkern; state Exp; branches ; next ; desc @@ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @/* Copyright (c) 1987 Bellcore * All Rights Reserved * Permission is granted to copy or use this program, EXCEPT that it * may not be sold for profit, the copyright notice must be reproduced * on copies, and credit should be given to Bellcore where it is due. * BELLCORE MAKES NO WARRANTY AND ACCEPTS NO LIABILITY FOR THIS PROGRAM. */ /* $Header: clock2.c,v 4.2 88/06/22 14:37:27 bianchi Exp $ $Source: /tmp/mgrsrc/demo/misc/RCS/clock2.c,v $ */ static char RCSid_[] = "$Source: /tmp/mgrsrc/demo/misc/RCS/clock2.c,v $$Revision: 4.2 $"; /* get today's date (analog clock version) */ #include #include #include #include #define OFFSET (500<<10) /* shift points to 1st quad */ /* sin, cos tables: 0-360 deg. in 6 deg. increments (scaled to +/- 1024) */ int sin[] = { 0, 107, 212, 316, 416, 512, 601, 685, 760, 828, 886, 935, 973, 1001, 1018, 1023, 1018, 1001, 973, 935, 886, 828, 760, 685, 601, 511, 416, 316, 212, 107, 0, -107, -212, -316, -416, -512, -601, -685, -760, -828, -886, -935, -973, -1001, -1018, -1023, -1018, -1001, -973, -935, -886, -828, -760, -685, -601, -511, -416, -316, -212, -107, 0 }; int cos[] = { 1023, 1018, 1001, 973, 935, 886, 828, 760, 685, 601, 511, 416, 316, 212, 107, 0, -107, -212, -316, -416, -512, -601, -685, -760, -828, -886, -935, -973, -1001, -1018, -1023, -1018, -1001, -973, -935, -886, -828, -760, -685, -601, -511, -416, -316, -212, -107, 0, 107, 212, 316, 416, 512, 601, 685, 760, 828, 886, 935, 973, 1001, 1018, 1023 }; typedef struct coord { int x,y; } coord; /* coordinates of the hands at 12:00 */ coord second[] = { 1,-30, 0,445 }; coord minute[] = { 10,-10, 0,400, -10,-10, 10,-10 }; coord hour[] = { 35,-10, 0,270, -35,-10, 35,-10 }; coord big_tic[] = { -11,485, 0,450, 11,485 }; coord tic[] = { 0,485, 0,460 }; int h, old_h, m, old_m, s, old_s; extern gfx_limits(); int ymax=1000, xmax=1000, cmax=8; int yofs=0, xofs=0; #define ypix(a) (ymax*(a)/1000) #define xpix(a) (xmax*(a)/1000) main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { long now; int i, cal=0, clean(); gfx_limits(&xmax, &ymax, &cmax); signal(SIGTERM,clean); signal(SIGINT,clean); signal(SIGHUP,clean); if (argc > 1) { char *s, *index(); int xalt, yalt; if (argv[1][0] == '-') { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [x [,]]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } if (argc > 2) { xofs = atoi(argv[2]); s = index(argv[2], ','); yofs = (s) ? atoi(++s) : xofs; if (0 > xofs || xofs > xmax) xofs = 0; if (0 > yofs || yofs > ymax) yofs = 0; } xalt = atoi(argv[1]); s = index(argv[1], 'x'); yalt = (s) ? atoi(++s) : xalt; if (0 < xalt && xalt <= xmax) { if (xalt+xofs > xmax) xofs = xmax-xalt; xmax = xalt; } if (0 < yalt && yalt <= ymax) { if (yalt+yofs > ymax) yofs = ymax-yalt; ymax = yalt; } } /* clear graphics, colour=cmax-1, go & draw border */ printf("\033@@J\033@@%dm\033@@%d;%dH\033@@%d;%dL", cmax-1, ypix(500)+yofs, xpix(500)+xofs, ypix(490), xpix(490)); for(i=0;i<60;i+=5) /* the tic marks */ if (i%15==0) draw(big_tic,2,i); else draw(tic,1,i); get_time(&h, &m, &s); draw(hour,3,h); draw(minute,3,m); draw(second,1,s); while(1) { old_h=h, old_m=m, old_s=s; get_time(&h, &m, &s); if (old_s == s) continue; #ifndef XOR printf("\033@@0m"); #endif draw(second,1,old_s); if (old_m != m) draw(minute,3,old_m); if (old_h != h) draw(hour,3,old_h); #ifdef XOR draw(second,1,s); if (old_m != m) draw(minute,3,m); if (old_h != h) draw(hour,3,h); #else printf("\033@@%dm", cmax-1); draw(second,1,s); draw(minute,3,m); draw(hour,3,h); #endif fflush(stdout); } } /* rotate and draw hands */ #define X(i) (what[i].x) #define Y(i) (what[i].y) draw(what, n, theta) coord what[]; /* array of points */ int n; /* number of points */ int theta; /* angle (in 160th of a circle) */ { register int i; long p, q, r, s; for(i=0;i>10); q = xpix((X(i)*cos[theta]+Y(i)*sin[theta] + OFFSET)>>10); r = ypix((X(i+1)*sin[theta]-Y(i+1)*cos[theta] + OFFSET)>>10); s = xpix((X(i+1)*cos[theta]+Y(i+1)*sin[theta] + OFFSET)>>10); printf("\033@@%d;%dH\033@@%d;%dh", p+yofs, q+xofs, r+yofs, s+xofs); } } /* convert time to angles */ get_time(h,m,s) int *h, *m, *s; /* hours, minutes, seconds */ { struct tm *tme, *localtime(); long tmp,time(); tmp = time(0); tme = localtime(&tmp); *m = tme->tm_min; *s = tme->tm_sec; if (tme->tm_hour > 11) tme->tm_hour -= 12; *h = tme->tm_hour*5 + (2+tme->tm_min)/12; } /* clean up and exit */ clean(n) int n; { printf("\033@@J"); exit(1); } @