Installing Cterm using Turbo C 2.0 ================================== For TI Professionals: --------------------- In the makefile, set SYS=TI and LIB= (ie. $(LIB) should be empty) To get a cterm.exe which will run without the aid of EMULATE.COM apply the diffs (either manually or with patch) in c0.dif to c0.asm and those in rules.dif to rules.asi and then re-build the C0?.OBJ modules (ie. BUILD-C0 SMALL, etc.) before compiling the cterm code. For PC/ATs: ----------- In the makefile, set SYS=PC and LIB= There is no need to set VID since the code checks the __TURBOC__ version being used and will explicitly include scr_gfx.bgi instead of scr_gfx.h.