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VNC on other platforms & environmentsWe prefer not to distribute binaries for platforms we cannot test here, but several people have contributed source code modifications or hints to allow VNC to compile under different platforms. Please note that we cannot officially endorse or be responsible for these but we are grateful to all the contributors. We may try and incorporate some of these in a future source code release. If you port VNC to a new environment we would be grateful to hear about it; please post such announcements to the mailing list.
Linux RPMs & Debian packagesOther people have kindly packaged VNC up in RPM and Debian package form; see for example under 'V' at the RPM archive http://rufus.w3.org/linux/RPM/ and at www.debian.org . Note that these may not be identical to the standard AT&T distributions, and may not be updated as frequently, so you should check the main VNC site frequently.AIXChuck Hines <chuck_hines@VNET.IBM.COM> writes:For anyone trying to build the latest version of VNC under AIX 4.1.5 may be interested in the patch below which contains the quick and dirty changes I needed to do to be able to comple and link successfully (hopefully I didn't miss anything). Things went pretty smoothly after these minor changes and it seems to be running fine.Basically the patch adds the necessary AIX sys/select.h inclusion where needed, removes the X11R6 specific stuff, and forces sys/resource.h to be included. That last one left me sort of puzzled,as the way it was trying to build should have not tried including it at all (which should have been fine), but it looked like os/osinit.c WASN'T including it while os/utils.c WAS for some unknown reason (andthe #if logic looked correct to me in both files) creating undefinedsymbols. -- Chuck Chuck's original patch is available here: vnc-3.3.2-aix.patch.txt
and he has now set up a small web site with more details and binaries available.
See http://www.idsi.net/~bshma/chuck/vnc.html
Acorn RISC OSWe know of two viewers for RISC OS.The first, created by simon@bigblue.demon.co.uk, is available from http://www.bigblue.demon.co.uk/VNC.html . The second, by Leo White <leo@brighteyes.u-net.com> is at http://www.brighteyes.u-net.com/ . A server for RISC OS is also available from http://www.interconnex.co.uk/~paul/
AmigaVVA - a VNC viewer for the Amiga. which was started by Jörg Dietrich is now being maintained by Denis SpachStéphane Guillard - stephane.guillard@steria.fr writes: I have set up a (incomplete, but usable) Amiga VNC server, which can be found on Aminet (http://de.aminet.net), as comm/tcp/AmiVNC.lha (ie. here). This is a work in progress.
BeOSAndreas F. Bobak writes:Yesterday, I made a first port of the VNC viewer to the BeOS. I mixed together the Win32 viewer and the Unix viewer and added a bunch of BeOS specific stuff. It basically works but perfomance does scream. RRE encoding is broken and Hextile encoding has a strange bug, but it's usable with just CoRRE and CopyRect. A snapshot of the sources and a x86 binary can be found under http://abstrakt.ch/be/ Cheers
-- Andreas F. Bobak bobak@relog.ch
BSDIKurt Seel <kseel@utcorp.com> writes:vnc compiles cleanly on bsdi 3.0 (no patches) with the following
#ifdef __bsdi__
It seems to work fine. The switch to xfree 3.3.2 really did some good
Cygwin32Valery Tulnikov has built the server and viewer under Cygwin-32, based on the 3.3.1 patches by Sergey Okhapkin. This allows you to run the X viewer and server under Win32. Yes, there are some good reasons why you might want to do this! See http://www.dol.ru/users/valtul/ for more info.DOSMarinos J. Yannikos <mjy@pobox.com> has written a VNC viewer which runs under DOS, using packet drivers and the Waterloo TCP/IP library along with the Allegro graphics library. The whole system including the IP stack fits comfortably on a floppy disk. You can get it from http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/nino/dosvnc.html .FreeBSDJoe Evans <evans@ittc.ukans.edu> reports:I compiled the VNC stuff on FreeBSD 2.2.5, and it seems to work fine. The only compile glitch was that you need to remove the gnumalloc library from the extra libraries list in order to do the link step. Bruce Mah < bmah@ca.sandia.gov > adds: vnc is now a part of the FreeBSD ports collection...on FreeBSD 2.2.7-RELEASE or newer with an installed ports collection, the installation process is simply: cd /usr/ports/net/vnc
Geos (eg. Nokia 9000)Marcus Groeber < mgroeber@compuserve.com > writes:I have just uploaded the first public version of the VNC Viewer for
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mgroeber/nokia.htm It allows you to access VNC servers from machines running Geos 3.0,
GGISteve Cheng steve@ggi-project.org writes:libGGI is a portable graphics library with a flexible design. See <http://www.ggi-project.org> for details. The graphics application can betransparently "retargeted" to different types of displays including X11, Linux svgalib and fbcon. (Win32 soon to come.) The VNC targets adds the VNC protocol to this list. You can even run doom over VNC! :-) Standand VNC clients can be used with the VNC target/GGI application as the server. You can get it here: <http://shell.ipoline.com/~elmert/vnc.tar.gz> Untar it under degas/lib/libggi of the GGI devel tree. (The stable GGI tree won't work because of namespace changes,etc.) A long while ago someone wanted a "stripped-down version of the server part - one that skips listening/authentication phase and just uses stdin/stdout for the communication (run-once application)." This is not currently done yet, but I have made it easy to do so. The only problem is the libGGI application trying to use stdin/stdout. [The VNC team] have asked me not to distribute this as part of libGGI
(yet). (It has GPL'd code; the other parts are LGPL as the rest of LibGGI).
So it won't be
Bug reports, fixes, and feedback welcome.
HPUXSeveral contributors here. We'll thin these out soon. The most recent message was from Stephen Walton <swalton@galileo.csun.edu> who posted a detailed message entitled Building VNC 3.3.3 on HP-UX 10.20. Karl Hakimian <hakimian@aha.com> wrote about his experiences building 3.3.2: HPUX did not go as smoothly as some of the other OS's that have been reported, but I did manage to get things to compile under hpux 10.20. First I had to change Xvnc/config/cf/hp.cf Same as for 3.3.1, I made sure the following were set #define ExtensionOSDefines -DHPINPUT # -DXTESTEXT1
#define BuildPex NO
I also had to change the following to NO
That got things most of the way compiled. I then could not link Xvnc becuase of several missing objects limitNoFile
Turns out I just needed to include sys/resource.h to two files in the programs/Xserver/os directory, the following patch takes care of that. (Karl's short patch is here) Karl Hakimian
And Mike Cooke writes: Just to inform you I've managed to build the vnc suite on the following HP box HP-UX <name> B.10.20 E 9000/879 I had major problems trying to build it with the standard HP tools and after much head banging and source editing, I decided to forget it and switch to gcc which worked after about the 3'rd build. I applied the patches as advised in the contrib section on your site. The only further problem I had was getting the Xvnc server to recognize the correct fonts - somehow the aliasing config here seems a bit odd, so to get around that problem I just ran the x font server and it solved all the problems. And Ulrik Dickow <ukd@kampsax.dk> adds: This evening I succesfully built vnc-3.3.2r3 on HP/UX 10.20 9000/712
with the
without any modifications to the source files, but this gave lots of
It would be even easier if the changes were permanently done to the
To complete the help for fellow HP/UX'ers, the second attached patch
a) start a CDE session if possible, otherwise fall back to the old code b) set the `-fp' argument reasonably for HP/UX (the CDE script
will add
Due to b), the second patch should *not* be applied to the general
If somebody have problems with these plaintext unified diffs, I can
patch -p1 < vnc-3.3.2r3_unix.ukd-kh-hpux-patch
Long live GNU patch(1) (http://www.gnu.org/). Thanks to ORL for conceiving a great product, and to Karl for finding
out how
B3393AA_APZ B.10.20.02 HP-UX Developer's Toolkit for 10.0 Series
Ulrik's patches are at
Ulrik also pointed out that some HPUX distributions don't include xmkmf and imake, but that you can get both source and binaries for them from http://hpux.csc.liv.ac.uk/hppd/hpux/X11/Core/imake-5.06/. HP JournadaSee Windows CE below KDEMarkus Wuebben markus.wuebben@kde.org has built a version of the viewer which fits nicely into the X-based KDE environment.See http://studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0197/kde/kvnc/
for details.
LinuxPPCYou can get source and binary RPMs for LinuxPPC from ftp://ppc.linux.or.jp/pub/JRPM/pre-R5/.MacOS (alternative)Dair Grant <dair@webthing.net> has written an alternative Macintosh viewer which supports the Appearance Manager and Navigation Services, which means it looks more attractive on recent versions of MacOS. You can find it at <http://www.webthing.net/gpl/>.
NetBSDEra eriksson <era@iki.fi> wrote to tell us that information about a NetBSD port for i386 is available at ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/pkgsrc/net/vnc/README.html
NetWinderRalph Siemsen <ralphs@netwinder.org> writes:I've "ported" the server and client portions of your VNC package to
our NetWinder platform (an ARM-based linux system). There are only
minor changes necessary that stem from the fact that your package tries
to rebuild "imake" itself - but is isn't aware of the arm platform.
I've attached the patch below; it is against vnc-3.3.2r3 for unix.
Ralph's patch is available at http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/contrib/netwinder-patch.txt
Nokia 9000See 'Geos' above.OpenStep/MachDavid Young (dwy@picasso.eng.ace.net) writes:I've written a client for OPENSTEP/Mach (that spiffy NeXT OS) for VNC. It currently supports display at 24, 12, and 8 bpp, mouse and mostly-functional keyboard input (ASCII and control characters work; the mapping isn't yet complete and I'm looking for suggestions on how to complete it), and some other client-side niceties. Encodings other than raw are on their way, as is NSPasteboard integration. I'm looking for users (preferably with VNC and OPENSTEP experience)
who can bang on this client on original NeXT boxes, Intel machines, or
SPARCstations running OPENSTEP 4.2, or just people who might find it useful
at this early state.
OS/2Akira Hatakeyama <akira@sra.co.jp>is working on a native PM viewer. You can get it from http://www.sra.co.jp/people/akira/os2/vnc-pm/index.htmlBosse Nyström bosse@postman.riken.go.jp has built the X viewer for OS/2 using XFree86. He writes: I compiled the unix [3.3.1] sources with the attached diffs and got a working viewer under OS2 with XFree86 (and EMX). I tested it with servers for OSF and Win32 (rev 16), some problems with National characters for the win server otherwise it works fine. -- Bosse You can get Bosse's version from his FTP server at ftp://bfs.riken.go.jp/pub/vnc/,
from Ted Sikoras site at http://tsikora.tiac.net
under XFreeOS2.
OSFWe used to have DEC Alpha OSF machines here, but they've all been switched off now, so we're unlikely to distribute any binaries for any more recent versions of VNC. Nirav Merchant nirav@arl.arizona.edu has made binaries for OSF 3.3.3 available. He writes:I have put the OSF binaries, java classes along with the original copyright at: ftp://public.arl.arizona.edu/pub/sware/vnc-3.3.3_osf.tgz Should work fine with Digital UNIX 4.0. Since we will be using OSF, I will make sure that the lastest version of VNC OSF binaries are available at this URL.
PalmPilotVladimir Minenko minenko@icsi.berkeley.edu has created a port of the VNC viewer for PalmOS 2.0 or higher.You can get PalmVNC from http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/~minenko/PalmVNC
RedHat Linux 6.0If you have difficulties running vncserver on RH6, check at least the following:
SCO OpenServerBen Maizels <bmaizels@analystic.com> sent the patches he used to compile under SCO OpenServer 5.You can find his message at http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/contrib/sco-openserver.txt
SGI Irix 6.2Wolfram Gloger <wmglo@dent.med.uni-muenchen.de> writes:The following small patch was all that was necessary for me to successfully compile Xvnc on SGI Irix 6.2 with the N32 binary format. A binary is available at ftp://ftp.dent.med.uni-muenchen.de/pub/wmglo/. Wolfram's patch is available at http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/contrib/vnc-irix6.2-patch.txt
SPARC LinuxJames Hall <jhall1@isd.net> writes:Just thought I would let you know: VNC 3.3.2r2 compiles just fine on
Linux/SPARC. I am using it now to run Word and Lotus Notes without
To compile, I just ran the 'configure' script, then typed 'make'. I think I got a few warnings during the compile (mostly unused variables) but VNC runs fine. This was on Red Hat Linux/SPARC 4.x, so I didn't have glibc. Don't know if that makes a difference.
Shinji Hattori I could not find a VNC package for Sparc Linux. So I made small patch and compiled on Redhat 5.2 sparc. Xvnc works fine. You can download his patch here. SunOS 4.1.3We've had reports that this buiilds without any problems if you use gcc.SVGALIB (Linux without an X server) & Single-floppy LinuxGanesh Varadarajan and Sitaram Iyer have built a vncviewer which runs from a Linux console using the svgalib library. You will need to install svgalib and configure /etc/vga/libvga.config for your graphics card. Try creating servers of different geometries and connecting to them - if your svgalib setup doesn't work for one resolution it may work for another. Persevere - this has a lot of potential, I think. Note that the current version will not generally be able to connect to Windows servers, because it requests a palette-based display which the Windows server cannot generate.The authors wrote: This is a alpha port of vncviewer to svgalib based on the [3.3.1] X
Some hints on getting svncviewer working for you :
(Note: It seems some distributions don't have svgalib compiled with C&T support. You might need to recompile svgalib).
In your bug report, please include the following information: Linux distribution, kernel version, svgalib version. Graphics card and whether other svgalib apps work at *high* resolutions. What parameters Xvnc was started with. What parameters were used for svncviewer. Exact error messages, snippets from log files where applicable. For the latest in svnc, check http://www.cse.iitb.ernet.in/~sitaram/vnc Lastly, a BIG thank you to the ORL guys for making vnc freely available. VNC rules ! Ganesh Varadarajan <ganesh@cse.iitb.ernet.in>
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. The sources for svncviewer are here: svnc-0.1.tgz Remember that you will need both X and the VNC sources on your machine to build it, though you won't need them to run it! Single-floppy LinuxKarl Heinz Kremer khk@cyberdude.com has created a single-floppy linux distribution which includes svncviewer. You can now use an old 486 without even a hard disk as an X display. See http://www.khk.net for detailsVMSVNC viewers for VMS 7.1 on both Vax an Alpha are available on the Law Bulletin Publishing Company's FTP server. Se the entry below for Windows NT/Alpha, and note the point about using a normal FTP client and not a browser.Windows CEThe Windows CE viewer is now released! See the Download Page and the Documentation. We don't currently have the compiler to build for the ARM platform, so if you have an HP Journada or similar you may want to get a binary from http://www.conduits.com/ce.Windows NT/AlphaJohn Ross Hunt writes:Binaries and VC++ project files are now available for Alpha NT WinVNC3.3.2. You can download them from: ftp://ftp.lawbulletin.com/vnc/ You will probably have better luck downloading with a standard FTP client instead of using a web browser (it's a firewall issue). We plan to upgrade soon, but until then, the old-fashioned way works best. |
For comments, feedback, etc, please see the 'Keeping
in touch' page.